The high speed Information Technology developments of the last years enables data capturing to levels never possible before. IT Systems can generally reveal everything from the most granular element of a financial activity to systemic patterns of global markets – at a frequency much higher than before. However, data alone do not necessarily give insights as every statistician well knows. In order to turn a numerical ocean into valuable information streams for users it is essential to have “agile” statistical tools such as micro-databases and software for performing advanced analytics. Starting with this in mind the Bundesbank set-up a securities holdings statistics database for Germany in 2005 which currently covers comprehensive information for more than a million different securities. The securities holdings data are provided quarterly by 2,000 reporting agents on a security-by-security level. On one hand the system serves as a hub providing standardised statistical products for e.g. Financial Accounts, Government Finance Statistics, Balance of Payments Statistics, International Investment Position, Statistics for Investment Funds and Insurance Corporations. On the other hand, the granular data are stored in a multi-dimensional system to enable high service level for ad hoc user requests for e.g. information on financial risks. Finally, user-tailored data are provided for a number of research projects in the area of financial stability, international economics and for studies on investor behaviour. Future development plans include a move to a monthly frequency and the integration of consolidated data for large financial groups to satisfy further information needs addressed by users in the course of the current financial crisis like in the context of the G20 recommendations.
Keywords: Securities holdings; Security-by-security; Micro-database; Bundesbank
Biography: Matthias Schrape has worked in the Statistics Department of the Deutsche Bundesbank since 2006. In this time he has participated in several international statistical groups like the ESCB Ad-hoc Group on Securities Holdings Experimental Statistics and the BIS/ECB/IMF Review Group on the Handbook on Securities Statistics. He is mainly responsible for conceptual issues related to the collection, compilation and analysis of securities holdings data. Matthias Schrape holds a master degree in finance and economics from the University of Leipzig in Germany.