tourr: An R Package for Exploring Multivariate Data with Projections
Hadley Wickham, Dianne Cook, Heike Hofmann, Andreas Buja
Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX, United States

The tourr package for R produces tours of multivariate data, including grand, guided, and little tours, which project multivariate data (p-D) down to 1, 2, 3, or, more generally, d-D. The projected data can be rendered as densities or histograms, scatterplots, anaglyphs, glyphs, scatterplot matrices, parallel coordinate plots, time series or images, and viewed using an R graphics device, passed to ggobi, or saved to disk. A tour path can be stored for visualisation or replay. With this package it is possible to quickly experiment with different, and new, approaches to tours of data.

Biography: Hadley Wickham is an Assistant Professor and the Dobelman Family Junior Chair in Statistics at Rice University. He is an active member of the R community, has written and contributed to over 20 R packages, and won the John Chambers Award for Statistical Computing for his work developing tools for data reshaping and visualisation. His research focusses on how to make data analysis better, faster and easier, with a particular emphasis on the use of visualisation to better understand data and models.