Quality Assessment of Statistical Processes and Products at SORS
Rudi Seljak
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

In recent years the area of quality assessment has been one of the most popular areas in official statistics. Within the common general quality framework, agreed inside the European Statistical System, many countries contributed their own specific approach; hence many good practices have been developed in this area.

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SORS) started more intensive and systematic work on quality assessment in 2003 with the development of the standard quality report structure and the list of the standard quality indicators. The work was done on the basis of Eurostat's methodological documents, but also the specific “domestic” situation was taken into account. Two main goals were targeted in this work:

To establish the system that would enable quick and efficient assessment of the statistical process and the products coming out of this process. As much as possible quality information should be available at the same time as the results are produced.

To establish systematic and transparent quality reporting which could serve to producers and also to a wider range of different types of users.

The paper briefly describes the developed system, with emphasis on the management of the quality information coming directly from the statistical process. Also some plans for the near future developments in this area are described.

Keywords: Statistical process; Quality indicators; Quality reports

Biography: Working in a Sector for General Methodology and Standards at Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia mostly in the areas of sampling and estimation, statistical data editing and quality management. Author of several invited and contributed papers for international conferences.