As a developing country, the study of QOL indices had been initiated since 80s last century in China. Currently, some progress had been made in the research field. For one thing, many researchers defined QOL as a composite structure which included subjective and objective elements. Considerable summary wellbeing indices had been constructed from different analysis unit (e.g., cities, province, and nations). For another, statistical methods played an important part in determining the weights of these indices, either objective weighting or subjective weighting. This paper defined the concept QOL as the quality of people's being, which used in analyzing the wellbeing of people' living condition and also reflected their subjective wellbeing to the living condition. Based on this concept, an analytical system of Chinese people's wellbeing was suggested. 115 indices from six aspects reflecting the characteristics of the Chinese people's wellbeing had been initially proposed. Economic wellbeing, health and basic survival wellbeing, social wellbeing, cultural wellbeing, political wellbeing, environmental wellbeing had been taken into consideration. Through the analysis of content validity of experts and correlation analysis, 58 indices were selected. The weight of the subjective and objective indices were determined through analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and principal component method respectively. By combining the weight coefficient obtained from the two approach, the composite indicator of Chinese people's wellbeing were performed and the wellbeing level of 31 Chinese provinces was evaluated.
Keywords: Quality of life; Composite indicator of wellbeing; Chinese people; Subjective and objective weights
Biography: Professor Xing is from School of political science and public administration in Shandong University. His main field of teaching and research include quality of life and social policy, social survey and measurement, personnel evaluation in human resource, Social psychology. In 2005 his representative work Measurement of Happiness was published by people press in Beijing.