2010 Brazilian Census Post Enumeration Survey
Andrea Diniz Da Silva
Directorate of Surveys, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatĂ­stica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The 2010 Brazilian Census Post Enumeration Survey (PES) is an independent survey whose main objective was to evaluate the coverage of the data collection in the 2010 Census operation. To guarantee the independence between the PES and the Census, an independent sample was drawn, and the data collection was carried out by and independent team. In addition, the data collection started after the Census data collection was completed in the sampled enumeration areas and the confidentiality of the sampled areas was assured. The PES was conducted in 4,011 Enumeration Areas (1,3% of the total) and included all kind of urban areas (including slum, shantytown) and rural areas with the exception of indigenous. The sample allowed estimate the coverage rate of private dwellings and persons living in private dwellings, at a confidence level of 95% for 0.2 error. The data collection lasted two months, November and December 2010, and involved around 4,000 enumerators, 1,300 supervisors, 27 State Coordinators and 49 State Assistants. One of the biggest improvements of the 2010 Brazilian Census PES is the incorporation of new methodologies and technologies developed or improved throughout the last decade. Handheld computers were used for the data collection and an automatic matching system was developed. The 2010 Brazilian PES included the reconciliation of unmatched dwellings and persons before the data analysis. Following the reconciliation step, information obtained in the PES was used to produce coverage rates estimates using the Dual System Estimation (DSE) model.

Keywords: Post enumeration survey; PES; 2010 census; Census evaluation

Biography: Andrea Diniz da Silva works for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) as a coordinator of the 2010 Brazilian Census Post Enumeration Survey. Previously she composed the team for the preparation of the 2010 Census and worked on pilot and cognitive tests on Andrea Diniz da Silva works for the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) as a coordinator of the 2010 Brazilian Census Post Enumeration Survey. Previously she was part of the team for the preparation of the 2010 Census and worked on pilot and cognitive tests on disability and literacy. In the 2000 Census, she worked on the data analyses during and after the data collection operation. She holds a master's degree in Social Survey and Sampling and is a member of the Brazilian Association of Population Studies and the Brazilian Association of Statistics.