The Management of ICT and the VSS
Hermann Habermann
National Academy of Science

The importance of ICT to statistical offices is both paramount and increasing in statistical offices across the economic spectrum of development. The VSS can be a critical tool is assisting offices in the successful application of ICT. The presentation will propose a framework for the management and application of ICT and discuss how these subjects are currently dealt with in the VSS. In addition, the presentation will consider how the VSS can assist offices in understanding and applying current statistical methods. As part of this discussion, the paper will present some ideas on how to move forward with the VSS, including the roles of national statistical offices, steering groups and the usefulness of existing VSS aides such as discussion groups and e-Learning training courses.

Keywords: VSS; ICT; Statistical methods

Biography: Previoulsy Dr.Habermann has been Director of the United Nations Statistics Division, Deputy Director of the US Census Bureau and currently he is a senior associate of the National Academy of Sciences.