Although the Nile river is the world's longest river, the Amazon river is the one that presents the highest average discharge. Here we present a comparison between deterministic and stochastic modelling of Amazonian discharges. The goal in this work is to assess the prediction performance for each modelling approach. While the stochastic approach only considers the discharges historical time series, the deterministic model also take into account other available information. A stochastic model that allows for long memory and periodic behavior is also proposed for the Paraguay river discharges.
Keywords: Stochastic and Deterministic Models; Long Memory; Seasonality; Water
Biography: Dr Sílvia R.C. Lopes is a full professor at the Mathematics Institute of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Sílvia R.C. Lopes did her Masters degree in Mathematics at the Pure and Applied Mathematics Institute (IMPA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and her PhD in Mathematical Statistics in the Mathematics Department at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA. She works in the areas of inference in stochastic processes with long-range dependence and on the estimation of chaotic stochastic processes with applications in financial time series and in DNA sequences.