Integrating Statistical and Administrative Records – The Current Challenge of Coordination of Statistical Systems
Eduardo P. Nunes, Wasmalia Bivar, Zelia Bianchini
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, Brazil

The need for coordination of statistical systems require attention to several aspects. Some of them are: to avoid gaps and duplication, to create a harmonized, comparable and coherent system, to expand thematic coverage and increase the spacial reach and detailing, to expand the institutional links, to make use of resources efficiently and to improve the development of human resources and to expand the use and usefulness of statistics.

There is no completely centralized statistical system, as the administrative records and the integration possibilities that allow the generation of new databases of information are the great frontier of statistical production.

A recent experiment in Brazil to be highlighted in this paper is the Committee on Social Statistics.

The Committee on Social Statistics, established by Ministerial Decree No. 424 of December 6, 2007, is a forum for discussion and evaluation of demands in order to structure the Brazilian Social Statistics System.

The effort needed to establish cooperation among the peroducers of official statistics, which is imperative for the improvement and strengthening of social statistics information, was aggregated to the definition and diagnosis of demands for social statistics, aiming to expand the use, variety and quality of information.

The standard documentation of databases, according to the documentation of metadata model adopted by IBGE, meets the objectives of the Committee on Social Statistics, being a major element in the construction of diagnosis of the same basis, supporting the definition of demands for social statistics and establishing cooperation among statistical producer institutions.

Thus, a major goal has been to move towards the integrated analysis of the various bases of social information, either from surveys or administrative records, which represents a major challenge in seeking for the coordination of national statistical system.

For the next decade, Brazilian Statistical System will need to develop a similar institutional coordination and co-operation for economic statistics and population estimates.

Keywords: Integration; Coordination; Databases; Records

Biography: Eduardo in the Director General of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics.