Web Panels and Population Statistics
Arie Kapteyn, Bas Weerman
Labor and Population, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, United States

Internet panels are ubiquitous, but very few of them are based on a probability sample. We discuss the importance of having a proper sampling frame for recruiting respondents. Using such a frame implies the need to provide Internet access to respondents who don't have that at the time of recruiting. The presentation describes the logistics of recruiting a probability based Internet panel, the proper incentive structure and panel management and the various types of information that can be collected, including regular survey responses, experiments with real stakes (e.g. savings or investment games), experiments in response scales and questionnaire design, biomarkers or other non-verbal information. We also discuss mode differences between Internet and alternative interview modes and demonstrate real time data dissemination.

Keywords: Internet; Panel; Data dissemination; International comparisons

Biography: Arie Kapteyn (Ph.D., Economics, 1977, Leiden University) is a Senior Economist at RAND and Director of the Labour and Population program. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society, past President of the European Society for Population Economics, and Corresponding Member of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2006 he received a knighthood in the order of the Netherlands Lion. His areas of interest, include aging, experimental economics, Internet interviewing, financial decision making, and international comparison of response scales.