Nature's Economic and Financial Order, and the Natural Solution of Poverty
Helmut Maier
Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis, Berlin, Germany

The paper substantiates economic order within the natural (or real) world. Using philosophy of Hegel, observations, and hedonic methods, it identifies natural phenomena where creatures meet one another as markets with supply of and demand for goods and services, and energy as reference of human money. It explains the dual structure of these markets including transfer of mutual payments, and how any creature solves the paradox of being in one and the same subject producer, product (its own living body), and final user of the latter. Humans are subjected to this natural order as well as to human ones, both interact but the natural one is superior, hence humans can't escape its reactions. The paper draws Hegel's consistent entire picture of wealth and poverty, and it derives the sustainable reaction of the natural order on human poverty which is called its natural solution: Future generations of the present poor by migration if necessary will replace future generations of the present wealthy in their own societies. Why? Because of the present poor realize the top aim of the economic order of the natural world which is conservation of life, and the present wealthy don't realize it, rather and for sake of self-realization in present they follow aims of material production and related services of human societies (measured in money terms of System of National Account) which are peripheral or subordinate goods within the natural world where counts biological production and related services. Due to natural law of conservation of energy any creature including humans can spent its energy only one times, the more it spends for material production the less it can spend for biological reproduction. Statistical figures of development of net reproduction rate in human societies, and those of migrations from developing to developed countries confirm this solution.

Keywords: Poverty; Philosophy of Economics; Natural Economics; Energy

Biography: Helmut Maier started his scientific career with the Centre for Future's Research in 1969 in Berlin/Germany. In 1972 he made his PH. D. in economics and social sciences at Free University of Berlin with Ossip Flechtheim, Reinhard Selten, and Herbert Stachowiak; in 1976 his post doctor in systems theory and planning theory at Technical University Berlin with Rainer Mackensen et al. From 1974 to 2008 he served as Professor at Berlin School of Economics, between 1981 and 1986 as Vice Rector. Since October 2008 he is Head of Leontief-Institute for Economic Analysis in Berlin. Main scientific contributions are his evidence of compatibility of economic goals and goals of environmental protection (Ekonometria 4/2000), the algebraic solution of the problem of linear regression (Ekonometria 5/2000 and Taschenbuch der Statistik, 2000), and his confirmation of economic and financial order within the natural world (since 2003 in Werkstatthefte aus Statistik und Ökonometrie, ISSN 1439-3956).