Analysis of HIV/AIDS Prevalence and Treatment Progress in Uganda
Alex Kagumba, Emile Kateregga
Occupational Therapy, Mulago Paramedical Training Schools, Kampala, Uganda; Certified Business Accounting, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Introduction: HIV/AIDS is currently one of the biggest threats to human life in Africa. In Uganda, HIV/AIDS claimed for over 64,000 lives in the year 2009. This paper seeks to present the most affected age gruops, marital status, the common modes of HIV transmission and also the success story of HIV/AIDS prevention in Uganda.

Secondary data was used from the Ugandan Ministry Of Health and from Uganda Demographic and health survey data set of 2006.

Findings: HIV/AIDS prevalence rate declined from 15% in the 1990s to 5% in 2001. The prevalence is estimated at 6.5% among adults and 0.7% in children. Higher in urban areas (10% prevalence) than in rural areas (6% prevalence). HIV/AIDS new infections among monogamous relationships is now significantly higher than those with multiple partners.

currently, just over 200,000 people in Uganda are recieving treatment, an estimate of only 39% of those in need of therapy ie the antiretroviral medication.

Conclusion and Recommandation: The researcher(s) recommanded that Uganda clearly needs to revive HIV prevention from only Abstinance, Fidelity/Being faithful & Condom use, ABC, but also to HIV testing and the prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission, PMTCT, in addition to fighting the risking factors like drug abuse and prostitution.

Keywords: Prevalence; Transmission; Demographic; Treatment

Biography: Iam kagumba Alex by names. I was born on the 24th of April in 1987, in a small Village of Butenga in Masaka District.

I grew up mostly with my mother, Florance Namata. My father beared over 40 children and only 11 of my mother's, am the 3rd last born of her's before Grace and Rose.

I completed primary school by year 2000, by 2004 I had completed Ordinary level and Advanced level by Dec/2006. I used to burn charcoal in the village during this course, and later advanced to coffee trading from village farmers in order to assist my mother and sisters with some of their personal necessities.

In 2007, I joined Mulago Paramedical training schools, enrolling in a three year diploma course of Occupational Tharapy, this was after spending one year of my advanced level vacation working at a beer depot.